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Numerical Method

Numerical Methods Lab | BSc CSIT 4th Semester

This page contains all the lab exercises for Numerical Methods of BSc CSIT 3rd semester, providing detailed explanations, code examples, and step-by-step solutions for each topic covered in the course. Additionally, the page includes a FAQ section specifically focused on helping students prepare their Numerical Methods lab reports.


Lab Topics

LAB 1: Non-linear Equations
  • Non-linear equation using Bisection method
  • Non-linear equation using Secant method
  • Newton Raphson Method
  • Horner's Method OR Synthetic Division method
  • Fixed point method
LAB 2: Polynomial Interpolation and Curve Fitting
  • Polynomial interpolation using Lagrange's interpolation
  • Polynomial interpolation using Newton's interpolation
  • Newton's interpolation using forward difference formula
  • Newton's interpolation using backward difference formula
  • Fitting a linear equation
  • Fitting a polynomial equation
  • Fitting an exponential equation
LAB 3: Numerical Differentiation and Integration
  • Derivative using Newton's Divided Differences Table
  • Central difference formula
  • Composite Trapezoidal Rule
  • Composite Simpson's 1/3 Rule
  • Composite Simpson's 3/8 Rule
LAB 4: Solving Linear Systems
  • Solving linear system using Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting
  • Solving linear system using Gauss-Jordan Method with Partial Pivoting
  • Solving linear system using Gauss-Seidel Iterative Method
  • Solving linear system using Jacobi's Iterative Method
  • Finding Eigenvalue and Eigenvector using Power Method
LAB 5: Differential Equations
  • Euler's Method
  • Heun's Method
  • Runge-Kutta Method
  • System of Differential Equations
  • 2nd Order IVP
  • Boundary Value Problem

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How should I structure my Numerical Methods lab report?

Your lab report should typically include the following sections: Introduction, Objectives, Theory, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References. Make sure to clearly explain the numerical methods used and provide detailed calculations where applicable.

What should be included in the Theory section of the lab report?

The Theory section should include a brief explanation of the numerical method or algorithm being used in the lab, including any relevant formulas, concepts, and theoretical background. This section sets the foundation for understanding the practical work done in the lab.

How do I present the results in my lab report?

Present your results using tables, graphs, and charts where applicable. Ensure that your results are clearly labeled and include any necessary units. Discuss any discrepancies or interesting observations in the Discussion section.

What programming language should I use for coding in my lab report?

Numerical Methods lab exercises are typically done using programming languages like C, MATLAB, or Python. Choose the language that you are most comfortable with, or the one specified by your instructor.

How can I ensure my lab report is well-organized?

Use headings and subheadings to break up the content into logical sections. Number your sections and pages for easy reference. Be concise and clear in your explanations, and ensure that all figures and tables are properly cited in the text.

What common mistakes should I avoid in my lab report?

Avoid common mistakes such as omitting key details, failing to explain your results, including errors in calculations, and not proofreading for grammatical errors. Always double-check your work before submitting your report.

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