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Computer Graphics

Computer Graphics Lab Notes | BSc CSIT 3rd Semester

This page contains comprehensive lab notes for the Computer Graphics course of BSc CSIT 3rd semester. Each lab focuses on a specific topic in computer graphics, providing students with the necessary knowledge and practical skills to implement various graphics algorithms and techniques.


Handwritten Lab Source: Dipesh

Lab Topics

Basics of Graphics

Introduction to the fundamental concepts of computer graphics, including pixel manipulation and simple drawing techniques.

DDA algorithm

Implementation of the Digital Differential Analyzer (DDA) algorithm for line drawing, which is a fundamental algorithm in computer graphics.

Bresenham's line drawing algorithm

A more efficient line drawing algorithm that uses integer arithmetic to generate lines with better accuracy and performance.

Midpoint circle drawing algorithm

An algorithm used to draw circles by determining the midpoint between the current pixel and the desired circle path.

Midpoint ellipse drawing algorithm

Extends the midpoint approach to draw ellipses, calculating pixel positions for each quadrant of the ellipse.

Boundary fill and Flood fill

Techniques used for filling polygons and other shapes with a specified color, useful in rendering and graphics editing applications.

2D transformation

Covers the concepts and implementation of 2D geometric transformations, including translation, rotation, scaling, and reflection.

3D transformation

Introduction to 3D transformations, including concepts of projection, perspective, and transformations in three-dimensional space.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the basics of Computer Graphics?

Computer Graphics involves creating images and animations using computers. The basics include understanding pixels, coordinate systems, and basic drawing algorithms like line and circle drawing.

What is the DDA algorithm?

The Digital Differential Analyzer (DDA) algorithm is used for rasterizing lines between two points in computer graphics. It incrementally generates points between the start and end positions.

What is Bresenham's line drawing algorithm?

Bresenham's line algorithm is a more efficient alternative to DDA, using integer calculations to determine the points of a line, which minimizes computational overhead.

How does the Midpoint Circle Drawing Algorithm work?

The Midpoint Circle Drawing Algorithm calculates the points needed to draw a circle by determining the midpoint between the current pixel and the expected circle path, optimizing for symmetry.

What is the Midpoint Ellipse Drawing Algorithm?

This algorithm extends the midpoint technique to draw ellipses, determining pixel positions by calculating the midpoint for each quadrant of the ellipse.

What are Boundary Fill and Flood Fill algorithms?

Boundary Fill and Flood Fill are algorithms used to fill closed polygons with color. Boundary Fill fills the area until it hits a boundary color, while Flood Fill fills the area starting from a seed point.

What are 2D transformations in Computer Graphics?

2D transformations involve changing the position, size, orientation, or shape of objects in a 2D plane using operations like translation, rotation, scaling, and reflection.

What are 3D transformations in Computer Graphics?

3D transformations extend 2D transformations to three dimensions, allowing for the manipulation of objects in 3D space, including translation, rotation, scaling, and projection.

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