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Data Structure and Algorithm

Data Structures and Algorithms Lab | BSc CSIT 3rd Semester

This page provides comprehensive details on Data Structures and Algorithms for BSc CSIT 3rd semester students. The content includes various fundamental algorithms and data structure operations implemented in C. The labs cover topics such as factorial computation, Fibonacci series, GCD calculation, sorting algorithms, searching techniques, and more. Detailed explanations, code examples, and practical implementations are provided to aid students in understanding and applying these concepts. Additionally, a FAQ section is included to help with lab reports and clarify common questions related to the subject.


Lab Topics


This lab involves writing a program to compute the factorial of a number using iterative and recursive methods.


This lab focuses on generating the Fibonacci series using both iterative and recursive approaches.

GCD (Greatest Common Divisor)

This lab involves finding the GCD of two numbers using the Euclidean algorithm.

Tower of Hanoi

This lab covers solving the Tower of Hanoi problem using recursive algorithms.

Stack Operations

This lab focuses on implementing basic stack operations such as push, pop, and peek using arrays or linked lists.

Linear Queue Operations

This lab involves implementing queue operations like enqueue, dequeue, and display using arrays or linked lists.

Linear Search

This lab focuses on implementing the linear search algorithm to find an element in an array.

Binary Search

This lab involves implementing the binary search algorithm on a sorted array to efficiently find an element.

Bubble Sort

This lab covers the implementation of the bubble sort algorithm to sort an array in ascending or descending order.

Selection Sort

This lab focuses on the selection sort algorithm, which repeatedly selects the smallest (or largest) element from the unsorted portion of the array.

Merge Sort

This lab involves implementing the merge sort algorithm, a divide-and-conquer sorting technique that divides the array into halves, sorts each half, and then merges them.

Quick Sort

This lab focuses on the quick sort algorithm, which sorts an array by partitioning it into smaller sub-arrays and sorting those sub-arrays.

Shell Sort

This lab covers the shell sort algorithm, an optimization of insertion sort that allows the exchange of items that are far apart.

Insertion Sort

This lab involves implementing the insertion sort algorithm, which builds the final sorted array one item at a time.

Double Hashing

This lab focuses on implementing double hashing for open addressing in hash tables, used to resolve collisions.

Adjacency Matrix

This lab covers the use of adjacency matrices to represent graphs, including operations for adding, removing, and querying edges.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How should I structure my Data Structures and Algorithms lab report?

Your lab report should typically include the following sections: Introduction, Objectives, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References. Make sure to explain the algorithms used, provide detailed code and results, and discuss the performance and efficiency of the algorithms.

What should be included in the Methodology section of the lab report?

The Methodology section should detail the algorithms and data structures implemented, the approach taken to solve the problems, and any specific techniques or optimizations used. Include code snippets and explain their functionality.

How do I present the results in my lab report?

Present your results using tables, graphs, and performance metrics where applicable. Include screenshots of your program outputs and explain the results, including any observations or anomalies.

What common mistakes should I avoid in my lab report?

Avoid mistakes such as incomplete code, lack of explanation for algorithms, and errors in results. Ensure that your report is well-organized, clearly written, and thoroughly proofread.

What programming language should I use for Data Structures and Algorithms labs?

For these labs, C is commonly used due to its efficiency and control over low-level operations. However, other languages like C++ or Python may also be used depending on the specific requirements or preferences.

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