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Numerical Methods Lab Reports and Notes - BSc CSIT 3rd Semester

Numerical Methods Lab Reports and Notes - BSc CSIT 3rd Semester

Mastering Numerical Methods: A Comprehensive Guide for BSc CSIT 3rd Semester Students

Welcome to the ultimate guide on Numerical Methods for BSc CSIT 3rd semester students under Tribhuvan University’s Institute of Science and Technology (TU IOST). As you advance in your computer science studies, mastering the concepts and techniques of Numerical Methods becomes crucial. This subject forms the backbone of computational mathematics, providing you with the tools to solve complex mathematical problems through numerical approximations. Whether you’re aiming to ace your exams or enhance your understanding of computational techniques, this guide offers you the resources you need.

What is Numerical Methods?

Numerical Methods is a branch of mathematics that focuses on developing algorithms to obtain approximate solutions for complex mathematical problems. Unlike analytical methods, which require exact solutions, Numerical Methods allow you to find practical, approximate solutions that can be computed by hand or with the help of a computer. This subject covers a wide array of topics, including but not limited to:

Importance of Numerical Methods in Computer Science

Numerical Methods play a pivotal role in various fields of computer science, including machine learning, data science, and software engineering. These methods enable you to handle large datasets, optimize algorithms, and solve real-world problems where analytical solutions are not feasible. As a CSIT student, having a solid foundation in Numerical Methods will not only help you excel academically but also prepare you for future challenges in your career.


Lab Topics

LAB 1: Non-linear Equations

  • Non-linear equation using Bisection method
  • Non-linear equation using Secant method
  • Newton Raphson Method
  • Horner's Method OR Synthetic Division method
  • Fixed point method

LAB 2: Polynomial Interpolation and Curve Fitting

  • Polynomial interpolation using Lagrange's interpolation
  • Polynomial interpolation using Newton's interpolation
  • Newton's interpolation using forward difference formula
  • Newton's interpolation using backward difference formula
  • Fitting a linear equation
  • Fitting a polynomial equation
  • Fitting an exponential equation

LAB 3: Numerical Differentiation and Integration

  • Derivative using Newton's Divided Differences Table
  • Central difference formula
  • Composite Trapezoidal Rule
  • Composite Simpson's 1/3 Rule
  • Composite Simpson's 3/8 Rule

LAB 4: Solving Linear Systems

  • Solving linear system using Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting
  • Solving linear system using Gauss-Jordan Method with Partial Pivoting
  • Solving linear system using Gauss-Seidel Iterative Method
  • Solving linear system using Jacobi's Iterative Method
  • Finding Eigenvalue and Eigenvector using Power Method

LAB 5: Differential Equations

  • Euler's Method
  • Heun's Method
  • Runge-Kutta Method
  • System of Differential Equations
  • 2nd Order IVP
  • Boundary Value Problem

The lab reports cover these topics in detail with explanations, sample code, and step-by-step instructions to help you grasp the concepts effectively. Whether you're looking to revise your knowledge or explore new techniques, these resources will provide valuable insights.

To access the lab reports and notes, please click the button below:

View Lab Reports and Notes

Exploring Other Resources for the 3rd Semester

In addition to Numerical Methods, the 3rd semester of BSc CSIT includes several other critical subjects that require equal attention. We've gathered a range of resources, including lab reports, notes, and study materials, to help you navigate through the challenges of this semester. From Data Structures and Algorithms to Statistics and Computer Graphics, you'll find everything you need to excel in your studies.

Third Semester

Numerical Methods is more than just a subject; it's a skill set that will empower you to solve complex problems and make informed decisions in your future career. By leveraging the lab reports, notes, and additional resources provided in this post, you'll be well-equipped to master the course and achieve academic success. Stay committed, practice regularly, and don't hesitate to explore the provided resources to deepen your understanding.

Happy studying, and best of luck with your 3rd semester!

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